(via Wonkette)
Only weeks ago, we looked into a dangerous new trend where school girls were taking pictures of themselves in Batman panties and sharing them with millions of strangers on Facebook.Btw, there is nothing comparable here to the story of Christ, who spent all his time in the company of 12 other men and died a violent, bloody death which the re-enactment of causes fundies to experience an ecstasy so intense they weep. Nothing phallic or homoerotic about being poked with a spear, neither, so shush.
Was there a comic book writer’s nerdy scheme behind the uncouth antics? Or was it a deeper cultural impact these fetishized fantasy characters are having upon America’s youth?
Reviewing the tale of Batman, we found a story that fit the model of exploitation and degradation. As reviewed, Batman is the story of a middle-aged man who fancies forcing a boy to wear tight see-through stocking.
The Batman is a character who represents child exploitation and gay adoption. Taut muscles bounding as they spend the night being thrashed and bound by criminals, only to overcome impossible adversary through neatly placed gadgets and groping one another, Batman and the young, supple Robin return to their ‘batcave’ where they have wounds nursed by a male butler named Alfred.
The fundamental thing you need to understand when talking to deficit hawks is that when they say something is painful or that cuts will hurt people, you need to recognize that what they really mean is that the cuts will be painful TO SOMEONE ELSE and hurt people THEY DON’T KNOW AND WILL NEVER MEET. That’s why it’s so easy to be a condescending asshole about the budget. That’s why it takes nothing to suggest raising the retirement age for Social Security. That’s why, after taking a month off from writing on the internet to recover from a cold, he can tell people who work back-breaking manual labor every day of their god damned lives for much less money than he or McMegan earn that they should “contribute” more to their health care costs.A-fucking-men.
I suppose a more basic point would be that if your favorite ideology is threatened by someone else's freedom, your favorite ideology sucks.If only he didn't have such a filthy fucking mouth, maybe he'd be a serious thinker.
DouglasBender - January 29th, 2011 at 5:27 amMr. Bender,
Mr. Burns,
An excellent description of the hypocrisy and bigotry exhibited by another elitist university, Washington (St. Louis). I would have liked to link to your article on Facebook, but I'm afraid I cannot due to your unnecessary choice to use light profanity in two cases ("damn" and "hell"). While I'm sure it's nice to "vent" a bit (and I absolutely agree the treatment of Bristol by Washington University at St. Louis deserves some "venting"), you should consider that doing so by using profanity or foul language might limit your audience.
Other than that, kudos on looking like a Russian James Dean.
I'm a lefty. I wish I could pretend that I have the intelligence and the perspective necessary to divide my beliefs from my appraisal of the situation, but I have neither. All I know is that I look out onto an America that seems to me to desperately require a left-wing. American workers have taken it on the chin for thirty years. They have been faced for years with stagnant wages, rising costs, and the hollowing out of the middle class. They are now confronted with that and a cratered job market, where desperate people compete to show how hard they will work in bad conditions for less compensation. Meanwhile, the neoliberal policy apparatus that brought us here refuses even to consider the possibility that it is culpable, so certain of its inherent righteousness and its place in the inevitable march of progress. And the blogosphere protects and parrots that certainty, weeding out left-wing detractors with ruthless efficiency, while around it orbits the gradual extinction of the American dream.